Teachers alone cannot be responsible for meeting national goals and expectations for improving reading skills among children. Improving policies and systems at the provincial and district levels to better enable teachers and students to succeed are also critical to reading achievement outcomes. PRP is working at multiple levels within the education sector to address key policy issues which parallel and support PRP’s in-service intervention priorities, including the development of a reading improvement strategy that will encompass standards and benchmarks, assessment protocol and systems, and reading curricular reform. PRP is also advocating, alongside other partners, for the establishment of a coherent CPD policy to support the motivation and professional growth of the teacher workforce. By focusing PRP policy work in two broad areas – what to teach and how it is taught (by whom) – PRP is guiding provinces through the planning of reading policy reform in a manner that addresses both the content and the delivery mechanism. When these sides converge, student learning outcomes are likely to improve; without policy support to both sides, reform efforts are likely to stall.